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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 16, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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>> well, today was difficult, you know, when i first rose from my bed, i didn't want to get up. i started to have flashbacks of what possibly happened a year ago but i knew i need to get out of bed and wasn't going to do any good to be in a cat tonic position sulking, i still believe they haven't discovered her body. i'm going to do everything possible to recover her. coming to fremont after the balloon release, it was good toe see the community that she was born and raised in, her friends and family and the vendors really contributed and we're so grateful to the sponsors to make all of this possible. to increase awareness and let us know as a family that she hasn't been forgotten. the balloon release in morgan hill, it was really moving.
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the amount of people over 200 people showed up. and the klaas kids organization has been the backbone and been pretty consistent with their involvement with the mission continuing and it's important to increase the community awareness. there are resources out there and for the families not to give up the victims themselves. we don't have to sit back and not do anything. and i just want to send a message out to everybody that you can get involved and take a part in the recovery of your child, just increasing the community awareness and opening up people's eyes, hopefully the tip will increase as a result of all of the fundraising efforts and publicity. >> no doubt you have the support of the community. thanks again for your time we really appreciate it.
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coming up at 6:00, we'll here from ciara's father and get an update on the investigation. some of that information they provided me is pretty surprise. marla, thank you. the man accused of kidnapping and murdering ciara lamar remains in jail but still hasn't entered a plea. they found his dna on her clothing found near her home and her dna in his car. along legal delay isn't unusual in a case like this with an active investigation and no body. in addition, to charges of kidnapping and murder, he has been charged with trying to kidnap three women in 2009. garcia torres is scheduled to enter a plea to those hearings on april 4th. go to and type in
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see sierra lamar. investigators say american canyon police tried to pull over a man driving a white pickup truck about 10:00. the driver refused to stop and led police on a chase. the officers fired shots at the suspect and man died at the scene. we talked with the sheriff's office and the man still has not been identified. it's not known why the officers were pursuing the truck or why they open fire. police in berkeley arie looking for one or two gunmen that shot two employees near san pablo avenue and gilman street. two men came in and demanded cash at gun point. two were shot during the robbery. one suspect was caught and other has not been. the two victims are hospitalized with serious injuries. a family in the east bay
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dou donated $50,000 to the police department to help get guns off the streets. thanks to a member of the community who wants to remain anonymous. >> the majority of the funds, the 50,000 was provided by a family. and they were motivated in part by just their overall interest in the well being of the community. but also by virtue of the fact that they had a relationship with a family who lost their son to gun violence. >> according to police, officials collected 339 weapons. dozens of occupy oakland protesters took to the street, not to occupy but vandalize, 50 protesters vandalized atms at five banks and shattered a large window at the oakland tribune tower. there is no word of any arrests. in sunnyvale, firefighters
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responded to a business park near sobrante way. they were shooti one office was destroyed and two nearby were damaged. no one was hurt, they are working to determine the cause. thousands of journal iflts and media workers have been in rome covering the conclave and today some had a chance to meet the pontiff. here's more. >> reporter: the line stretched for blocks. thousands of journalists allowed inside the gates of the vatican for the pope's first audience with the media. pope francis spoke for 20 minutes at times straying from his notes but never his message. saying how i wish a poor church for the poor. >> this man is saying, tour the poor and works of peace and
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mentioned that today, francis is a great figure of peace. i think all of that is terrific. >> reporter: the crowd laughed as francis joked about how hard the media worked over the past few days, he compared to the mission of the catholic church saying both convey a message of truth and beauty and goodness and how he chose his name, when things became dangerous during the conclave, and evident he would be elected, a fellow cardinal from brazil told him don't forget the poor. he said, right away with regard to the poor, i thought of saint francis. as he left the audience, pope francis thanked the media for its work and a prayer, quote, knowing that you are different religions because all of you are children of god. jay gray, nbc news, rome. the conservative political action conference outside of washington wrapped up with a
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2016 straw poll. kentucky senator rand paul won the poll followed by senator marco rubio. the vote is a reflection of the party trying to reengineer itself to connect with voters. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin and house speaker newt gingrich echoed that. >> we're not here to rebrand a party. we're here to rebuild a country. >> the republican establishment is just plain wrong about how it approaches politics. >> donald trump, jeb bush, mitt romney and paul ryan also spoke at the conference but just as striking who wasn't there. new jersey governor chris christie who applauded president obama for his response to hurricane sandy right before the election, was not invited. and yesterday members did not react well to ohio senator rob portman announcing his son is guy and now supports gay marriage. coming up next at 5:00, a first for san francisco, the new
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cruise ship calling the city home. we'll hear from the passengers taking part in the inaugural trip. >> we'll introduce you to the man who was chosen to design a chal is for the pope. >> reporter: live in san carlos, a former 49er is saying good-bye to fans and also raising money for a charity very close to his heart. that story coming up. >> so far a sunny start to st. patrick's day weekend. we're still seeing temperatures outside right now in the 70s around the north bay, a little breezy out there but you can see the clear skies right now. look to west, more clouds filling in and changes ahead. we've got rain back in the 7-day forecast. will it arrive for the end of the weekend? we'll look at that when we come right back. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show
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and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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raising money for a cause close to his heart and talking about it for the first time. kimberly? >> delaini walker got involved with mothers against drunk drivers, his aunt and uncle went to new orleans to watch him play in the super bowl and shortly after that ended they were killed by a drunk driver. today he is signing autographs and taking pictures with fans in san carlos where a dinner tonight will be held to raise money for madd. if he can get through to one person to keep them from drunk
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driving, his work is well worth it. >> keep pushing it, hit me down in the heart and i don't want to see something like that happen to anybody else. >> reporter: walker, who played for the niners for seven years, sign a four-year deal with the titans and says the move is bittersweet and he's grateful for the opportunity to say good-bye to faithful fans. his commitment to mothers against drunk driving is something he'll continue in tennessee. live in san carlos, kimberly perry, nbc bay area news. still ahead, a san francisco first, the grand princess makes her maiden voyage. >> plus we'll talk to passengers part of the historic launk. launch.
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more tourism dollars are pouring into san francisco. the grand princess is leaving about now and it is the first shape to be based in san francisco year round. there it is. the 2600 passenger ship is expected to inject about a million dollars to hotels and restaurants and attractions every time it comes to port. >> really like the convenience of having it in our home city. that way we don't have to worry about a hotel the night before or logistics of how we'll get to the cruise terminal from the hotel. yeah, it works really well. >> if all goes as planned, the ship will carry 100,000
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passengers over the next year. thousands of people came out this morning to watch san francisco's annual st. patrick's day parade. this year's grand marshall, fire chief and his wife, it started at market and second and over to south to grove street. after the parade, organizers held a festival at civic center until about 17 minutes ago. but i have the feeling the party has not stopped as a result of the conclusion of that. >> what makes you think that? >> it's a lucky guess and luck of the irish. >> from one irishman to another. let's check in with rob on the weather. the sun certainly came out eventually. >> in dublin today it was in the mid-70s, gorgeous after the low clouds broke up and we're still seeing 70s outside in the north bay. you can see santa rosa, 73 degrees, 59, cool sea breeze in
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san francisco. 65 in san jose. the winds have been gusty this afternoon in the coast sal hill tops and stronger sea breeze tomorrow will likely drop our temperatures a little bit for tomorrow. we'll see clouds at times, dry finish to the weekend, temperatures cooling as we get into the start of the workweek and starting tuesday into wednesday, much needed rain comes back that will knock back the pollen in the air and toss more snow towards the sierra. now we've got high clouds approaching for sunset. can you see off to the north, storm trek is still to north to impact the bay area. we're watching a system north of hawaii that tapped into a jet stream. you can see on the water vapor loop, drawn into the system and it looks like it's going to track to the north of the bay area. the heaviest rain of the system likely going to fall in the north bay as we get into tuesday
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night and wednesday. hour by hour as you wrap up the weekend, you'll see high clouds at times and maybe patches of low clouds on the coast. a mixed bag of clouds. we're looking at mostly cloudy skies by monday evening, not until tuesday afternoon you see showers come in. the main event for this system holding off from tuesday evening into early wednesday morning. lows in the 40s outside. a little breezy for the evening then we'll see the winds back off. e sea breeze stronger tomorrow. tomorrow's highs will be down from the mid-70s in a few spots inland. upper 60s, close to 70 in san jose. mainly 60s around the east bay. as you get towards pleasanton, same story towards fairfield. north bay, 60 to close to 70. in the 7-day forecast, more clouds for monday but we'll
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leave the rain drops for tuesday into wednesday. we'll see temperatures drop for the middle part of the week. and as has been the pattern of the season so far instead of counting a few days of dry weather, we only get a km of days of rainy weather and things clear out mid-70s towards next weekend. >> might rain on tuesday. >> yes. >> that date keeps coming up. >> a few times this year, tuesday, wednesday storm. >> let's bring in mindy bach with a look at what's going on in sports. hello. >> hello. spring weather here and did he have netly down in arizona as well. spring baseball warming up and warming up nicely and free agency wheels keep on turning in the nfl. the 49ers may have find their replacement and didn't have to look far to find him.
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good evening, a lucrative five-year deal with the buccaneers, they had a big hole to fill in the top rated defense and they appears to have found their man. they signed craig dauz to a 10-year contract. he joins the team from the ram s, 42 career starts but knocked first 100 plus tackle season last year with st. louis. the general manager calls him an experienced veteran with excellent intangibles. here's a look at your newest san francisco 49er, taking a picture, a teen tweeted out of him signing a contract. i like the feathered pen. they lose good son so free
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agency, the running back signed a three-year deal with the new york jets, that's worth a reported $6.9 million. goodson averaged 6.3 yards per carry in one season with the raiders. spring baseball, angels, josh reddick with the a's down three. gets them back quickly. three-one shot, his third of the spring. three is the magic number. go to the bottom of the second, a's up now by three. all the way up and over the left field wall. this is a two-one shot, first home run of the season, the game ends at 13 tie. bottom of the fifth, carlos santana, a hue monday gous shot over the right field wall and put the dominican up. a tough day for angel pagan,
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finishes with a walk and couple fly-outs, 0 for 2 on the day. santiago, gets valdez to end the inning and dominican wins 2-0. they are the top seed and play monday at at&t. soccer now, earthquakes visiting the columbus. crosses an leandro buries up, columbus, up by 1. morrow nails his shot from outside the box. we have a tie game. 77th minute, gar za pushes it wide and this game would end in a 1-1 tie. third round in the tampa bay championship as seen here on nbc bay area, leonard knocks it down, finished tied for the lead at 6 under. a shot of the day goes to aaron, look at the toe of his put ter
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from the rough for birdie. and it is good to go. he finished the day two over but credit for a great shot there. when we come back at 6:00 tonight, we'll tell you which giants pitcher just got rocked by the reds down in scottsdale, wasn't pretty. rough outing for one of the relievers, you have to come back at 6:00 to see that. >> we'll be here. >> i had a feeling you would be. >> thanks min di. >> the man in charge of creating the pope's silver chalice. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf...
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ finally tonight, a goldsmith from argentina is given an assignment of a lifetime. >> he has been chosen to design a silver chalice for pope
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francis. he showed a sketch of the chalice and it features patron saint of argentina. and also created the silver roses on the tomb of princess diana and did the chalice for pope benedict. >> saying it wasn't an opportunity of a lifetime because it was the second opportunity -- >> a lot of lifetime opportunities there. >> like a cat. >> exactly. >> 7-day forecast, it looks good, we have the luck of the irish this weekend and more sunshine tomorrow. a little bit cooler, you'll see the temperatures drop down a bit, tuesday into wednesday. that's the one storm of the week as we move into spring. mid-70s coming back. >> clouds will be here on monday for a lot of people's hangovers. >> perhaps, yes. >> thanks for watching nbc bay
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area news. we'll see you at 6:00. turday night, party divided. competing visions of the gop. plus get ready, results of a poll on potential republican candidates for 2016. team tragedy. what caused a charter bus to veer off a highway and crash with members of a women's college sports team on board. meet the press. new insights from the new pope on how we see the role of the catholic church. text medicine. how doctors are updating an old practice, the house call, with their smartphones. and, weekend warriors. the highs and lows for those who must have the ultimate workout. captions paid for by nbc-universal television good evening. and you thought store christmas ads were appearing earlier and earlier each year.
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believe it or not, the first votes in the 2016 presidential race were cast today. unofficial, of course, but the jockeying among potential republican candidates is under way. today's straw vote, an early test of strength across a wide field, took place at a conservative conference of republicans near washington where the gop has been licking its wounds of the 2012 election and wrestling with exactly how it will recast itself going forward. nbc's kristen welker is in washington tonight with late word of the results of today's straw poll. kristen, hello. >> reporter: lester, good evening. here is the headline. senator rand paul of kentucky won with 25% of the vote, edging out senator marco rubio of florida who garnered 23%. then it was rick santorum in third place with 8%. followed by new jersey governor chris christie, who wasn't invited, he received 7%. former vice presidential candidate paul ryan got 6%. all potential leaders in a party


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